• “The smartest historical sci-fi adventure-romance story ever written by a science Ph.D. with a background in scripting 'Scrooge McDuck' comics.”—Salon.com
  • A time-hopping, continent-spanning salmagundi of genres.”
  • “These books have to be word-of-mouth books because they're too weird to describe to anybody.”
    —Jackie Cantor, Diana's first editor

Season 7, Part 2 Will Premiere on November 22!

2024-06-02-Starz-image-S7P2We have a DATE! An air-date, that is, for Season 7, Part 2 of the Outlander tv series!

The premiere for the second half of Season 7 will be on Friday, November 22nd, 2024, on the Starz cable network or Starz streaming in the U.S.A.

Note that if you live outside the U.S., you will need to consult your local cable and streaming providers for your premiere date and how to watch in your viewing area.

Click to watch the official sneak peek video for Season 7 Part 2 on Youtube.

Season 1 of “Blood of My Blood”

2024-07-Blood-Of-My-Blood-S1-wrapIt’s a Wrap! Filming for Season 1 of the Prequel tv series, “Blood of My Blood”, was finished on July 20—and it’s wonderful. I really, really like this show, and I hope you all will, too!

“BOB” for short, this new tv series will explore both Jamie’s and Claire’s parents who, of course, lived in different time periods. No doubt the new Sony/Starz tv series and the book I am writing about Jamie’s parents will have a few things in common. <g>

Click on the graphic at right to view the BOB Season 1 Teaser video on Youtube (will open in a new browser window).

Latest Excerpts – Book Ten:

If you have finished reading BEES, you may enjoy these excerpts (aka “Daily Lines”) from Book Ten in my Outlander series of novels, which I am working on now.

Note that these bits of Book Ten MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS. Excerpts are listed by temporary descriptive titles, with the newest one listed first:

2024-04-01-SpringCitrus-DG-crop    Focus and Endings, Part 1. Using two NEW excerpts from Book Ten, I will explore focus and endings in writing. Also added to my Writer’s Corner (What I Do) webpage. Released on Tuesday, July 16, 2024.

    Focus and Endings, Part 2: In the second part of ‘Focus and Endings’, I delve into focus in writing, using the excerpts from Book Ten included in Part 1, above. How do you convey point of view (POV) in writing, and keep the reader’s attention? What exactly is POV, anyway? Also added to my Writer’s Corner (What I Do) webpage. From July 20, 2024.

    William As Family. My post from the Litforum about who William considers to be his real family. Released on Tuesday, June 11, 2024.

    “You little bastard!” Released on Saturday, June 1, 2024, World Outlander Day.

    Happy Mother’s Day! To mothers of all ages and stages of relationship, you are the cement that holds your families together, and the blossoms that make them fragrant and beautiful. (Plus a conversation between Bree and Fannie.) Released on Sunday, May 12, 2024.

    “Did He Speak?” Whew…just back from a working cruise down the Danube (and getting up in the middle of each night on the river in order to write a script for the Prequel, needed in two weeks. Luckily, I made it. <g>). So—just in time for a brief excerpt in honor of Jamie’s birthday tomorrow (and a quick “Happy Birthday!” to Sam Heughan, whose birthday is/was today). (Also my current blog entry, shown at right on this homepage.) Posted on Wednesday, May 1, 2024.

Book Ten (which doesn’t yet have a title) will be the tenth in my Outlander series of major novels which focus on Jamie and Claire. Note that a publication date has not been announced since I am still writing the book…

Please visit my official Book Ten webpage for more information and access to other excerpts released so far.

My News Webpage

2024-04-13-beer4-dgabaldonFor recent news about my writing, the tv series adaptations, and general musings, please visit my News webpage. It’s always accessible on the main menu above, too.

My posts to my social media pages (such as Facebook) are included in my News. This might be useful for those who prefer to surf the web and don’t use Facebook or X/Twitter.

You’ll see entries such as “Snake Love,” “How Fast Do I Write?,” “New Fight Song and My Three Rules for Writing,” which features Wind Rose’s “Diggy Diggy Hole” official video, Arby (our pup) trying to sneak a lick of beer as the Guys were brewing it, my observations about a weed called Rocket, et cetera!

Signed Copies of My Books

2021-12-Diana-Pen-BEESThe Poisoned Pen sells new, signed copies of books I have written, including the beautiful hardcover anniversary editions of my first four novels in the OUTLANDER series, and many others. The Pen is my hometown independent bookstore, and kindly makes new books signed by me available to readers who cannot attend one of my book signings.

The cost is the list price of a book plus shipping; there is no charge for my signature. The friendly staff at the Pen are glad to answer any questions you may have.

Click here to browse my books currently available from the Pen online.

Shapes and Themes of My Outlander Novels

Want to know more about my books? How I write them? Here are a few of my blogs and webpages to explore:

indian-speckled-cobra-wikipedia“The Shape of Things:” All my books have an internal geometric or natural shape that emerges in the course of the work, and once I’ve seen it, the writing goes much faster. (BEES is a snake!) Read more…

“One Word Speaks Volumes (Themes of the Novels):” Some intelligent NPR interviewer asked me one day whether I could sum up the book we were talking about in a single sentence—and I realized that in fact, I could summarize the theme of each book in a single word. Read more…

My Writer’s Corner (What I Do) Resource has links to many of my essays and webpages which describe my writing process and other information. More…

As of November, 2021, more than 50 million of my books have been published in 38 languages and 114 countries around the world. Thank you, dear readers!

This is the only official website for Diana Gabaldon, bestselling author of the OUTLANDER series of major novels, the Lord John series, and other works.

This homepage was last updated on Sunday, July 28, 2024 at 8:20 p.m. (Central Daylight Time) by me, Diana Gabaldon or Loretta, my Webmistress.

When Will the Next Book Be Out?

Currently I am working on Book Ten (no title yet) in my OUTLANDER series of major novels that focus on Jamie and Claire. Book Ten will be another Large Novel, so it will take some time (several years at least) to complete.

Click here to visit my Book Ten webpage for current news and excerpts (aka “Daily Lines”) from this new novel.

Book Ten will follow GO TELL THE BEES THAT I AM GONE (nicknamed “BEES”), the ninth book in my OUTLANDER series of major novels featuring Jamie and Claire. BEES was first released on November 23, 2021.

In my Happy New Year – 2024 blog post, I discuss my plans for the year, including Book Ten.

Follow Diana Online

There are several ways to connect with me online. Besides adding new blogs and information to these webpages, I regularly post entries and communicate with readers on my official Facebook and Twitter pages. For videos, visit my YouTube page. An RSS feed is available for web page updates. (Clickable icons are below.)


Would you like to receive periodic Outlandish Updates by e-mail, such as information about new Outlander and Lord John releases? Visit the sign-up page to start receiving free e-newsletters distributed by Random House (U.S.) More information…


You may also join me in multiple current discussions about my books and short fiction on TheLitForum.com You’ll need to create your account (with a user name and password) to join in; just follow the instructions on the website. One you have your login created, click here to go to my Diana Gabaldon Forum directly. TheLitForum.com is a descendant of the discontinued Compuserve Lit Forum, which I’ve been a part of since the late 1980s (before Outlander was published).